Aura in flashback
Mono channel video
Aesthetic exercise. This reflection arose for new mechanisms that the laws against copyright cannot touch or reach. Essay about the evocative power of cinematographic memory; Hacking the filmmaker’s (and the viewer’s) gaze that confronts on a common screen in resistance to intellectual property policies.
Film made with instructions quotes in which the viewer simultaneously makes his personal montage from the memories of the same films mentioned. An experimental mechanism of observing a film of appropriation from previous memories and experiences. An interesting phenomenon is that when the viewers do not recognise the quote, they use their imagination to cover the mentioned «space» in the film.
The cult value outweighs the exhibition value.
Spanish version
Year: 2021
Digital HD 16:9
Black and white.
Duration 8:49 min
Keywords: Aura; Appropriation; Hacktivism; Film quotation; Archive-memory.
This project was presented with the text An aesthetic proposal of appropriation or the hacked aura for the colloquium «New approaches for Cinematographic Art» in Mexico (2021) and at The International Symposium on Film and Philosophy IV in Turkey (2021).