Imagination as an aesthetic resource in the age of Artificial Intelligence and the Post internet.

From an aesthetic exercise, Aura in flashback (2021) where I quoted sequences as text to stimulate the cinematographic memory file that we have ; I continue with the practice, but now towards the imaginative stimulus of the spectator. Similar conditions, but where memory is substituted or combined with imagination.

This essay-reflection starts both from the post-internet as a phenomenon of image consumption that sets the tone within our audiovisual imaginary and from Artificial Intelligence as a relational mechanic of imaginative recreation model. I consider both as limiting parameters for the imaginative development of the spectator.

The imaginative exercise concludes with an enunciative spectator where his imaginative recreation is the dialoguing testimony with the documentary itself. Experimental and invisible aesthetics for the collective since it is personal and the only one who observes it is the reader. An alternative that stimulates the imagination in a symbiosis between the spectator and the film in which he/she intervenes.

This speech was presented in The VI Visual Anthropology Meeting (México 2022) in the Edges of the Documental program.

Keywords: Imagination; Post Internet; Artificial intelligence; Imaginative reecreation
